Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ohhhh hey there routine…

Do you ever have sudden moments of realization that make everything make sense?  Okay, by everything I mean just random things, but still, you know what I mean (maybe).

I’m flying again.  Another 11+ hour flight across an ocean.  I realize that to some people this would be something amazing.  Crossing an ocean, going from one place to a place totally different.  This past summer I met someone who has never been on a plane.  What an interesting life she leads...shocked by how nonchalant I am about flying. For me, it’s normal.  I’ve been doing this since before I could walk or talk.  Heck, I did it before I was born, as both the metaphorical and literal twinkle in my father’s eye…if you can literally be a twinkle in your fathers’ eye.  I digress…

Last time I flew across the pond (a month ago…), I had a row to myself and I slept 8+ hours.  That is not my norm for flying.  Usually I’m restless, crochet, watch a lot of TV, and drift in and out of various states of awake-ness.

Today is a normal flying day for me.  Watch a movie, take a sleeping pill, have a quick nap while listening to a podcast, wake up remembering that last time you tried to take a sleeping pill on a flight it backfired, turn on a soundtrack that you like, fall asleep again for twenty minutes, turn on another movie, crochet, realize that you have to take out thirty minutes of crocheting because you were one stitch off and it will drive you crazy if you don't remedy it immediately, take another nap, watch another movie, and DS al Coda because you sure as heck aren’t going to take another sleeping pill.

As I waited in line for the bathroom, wishing they’d tell everyone to sit down so I could be the first one to pop up and snag prime bathroom time (because, hey, might as well make this a game/competition of some sort), I got to thinking.  Minus the sleeping pill and being in an aluminum tube full of strangers, this is like a normal Saturday don’t leave the apartment day for Bekah Teusink.  I wake up, make coffee, move to the couch, turn on a movie, fall asleep, make breakfast, remember that I haven’t had any coffee yet, put coffee in the microwave, fall asleep before I drink the coffee, realize that I didn’t turn on a movie but instead it’s a Netflix show that is automatically going on to more and more episodes, drink cold coffee, fall asleep, and repeat to some degree.

My normal Saturday avoid people routine is basically the same as my flying routine.

We could get into the chicken or the egg argument and try to figure out if I spend my Saturdays that way because of how I fly or vice versa, but let’s not.  I’m just happy to have cracked one of the mysteries of me.  I’ve always loved to fly…I’ve only recently (last 6 years or so…that’s recent, right?) discovered how much I like being a hermitess from time to time.

Mind blown?  Mine was.  Time for a nap.

But first...sunrise :)

Monday, August 13, 2018

New Years and New Tears

There’s an excitement that comes with the beginning of the school year, even for principals. It’s almost a nervous anticipation (wondering if everything got done and if everything will go even close to semi right) coupled with eager anticipation for the students to return. 

I do the job I do and keep at it year after year because of those kiddos. I absolutely adore my students. Every single one. They are all differently gifted and uniquely unique, but there is something about each of them that draws me in. I want to know their stories. I want to share in their triumphs. I want to cry with them in their sorrows.

And then there’s that dreaded text message, that of course always comes the evening before or the week before or some amount of time before that is never quite enough time to make it okay. “So and so won’t be returning. They’ll be going to such and such a city/place instead.”

And I’m left heartbroken. No chance of saying goodbye. No closure. No final conversation. 

I’m not sure if it’s worse for me because I feel it all so deeply or for them because the processing is never going to happen. The victories that aren’t going to be celebrated as we reflect on their seasons here and the sorrows and failures that won’t be acknowledged. 

I read the other day that one of the saddest parts of TCK life are the goodbyes that happen so gradually that you don’t even realize it. The friendships that fizzle and no longer matter but that used to be a high point in a day. 

For this TCK principals heart, one of the hardest parts of the job is not being able to walk alongside these amazing kiddos as they go through the leaving process. Not being able to give that last high five or have that last good chat. 

School starts tomorrow and I’m excited. But I might just cry a little for the ones that won’t be there, too. 

Oh life.