Monday, July 2, 2012

Niagara Falls

Not going to write a whole lot about this, but I had a marvelous Canada Day with my big brother yesterday.  He was a champ and drove all the way to New York to see me!  Parting was, as always, such sad sorrow, but I'm so glad that we could experience Niagara together!!

I was in the US and Canada at the same time :)

The American side of the falls

All set to ride into the falls on the Maid of the Mist

After our boat ride

This may be the best part of a store...ever!

Horseshoe Falls

 Both :)

Look at that mist!!

Oo...a rainbow!

Good Canadians on Canada Day

Walking back over the bridge

Location: Houghton, New York
Local Time (EST -- GMT-4): 9:35 p.m. (7/2/2012)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-7): 6:35 p.m. (7/2/2012)
Chengdu Time (CST -- GMT+8): 9:35 a.m. (7/3/2012)


  1. It was a delightful day dearest :-). I'm glad I could make the trip! Love you!

  2. Great pics miss T! I know this is random, but did you know that shark fin soup is a delicacie in China, but was banned from being eaten in Chicago to save the lives of the sharks? And that kiwi fruit was originally known by its chinese name, yang tao (sunny peach?) pretty cool, right?
