Thursday, August 30, 2012

On Parents and Meetings

When I was in college, the thought of having to meet with parents absolutely petrified me.  Sure, I can handle your kids.  I can entertain them, encourage them, at times bribe them with sugar and time to run around outside.  That doesn't work so much with adults, especially when I'm a fairly young teacher and they are all (or should be) older and significantly wiser in many areas than me.  Even last year, with parents that I knew well, parent-teacher conferences were definitely a giant that I didn't really want to face.  Sure, it always went well, but the intimidation factor was always there.

We had open house on Tuesday night, which I dreaded, and then I had my first sit down meeting with parents today, which I likewise dreaded.  Oddly enough, both went marvelously.  Open House was great...getting to meet for the first time the parents of my incredible students; parents who are from all around the world and do so many interesting and unique things here in the city, from big business to humanitarian work.  And then today's meeting...goodness gracious, it blew me out of the water.  The parents are from two different countries, but they both speak Mandarin fluently.  My coteacher and the student's Chinese teacher were also in on the meeting, so a good chunk of it happened in Mandarin.  Sure, there were moments were I felt like an idiot, not sure of what was going on around me, but at the same time it was incredible hearing the conversation and picking up on every 50th word or so.  (Smile and nod, just smile and nod.)

I am just so thankful to be around so many people who not only love living overseas, but embrace the cultures and genuinely enjoy the ride.  Life is good.

Location: Chengdu, China

Local Time (CST -- GMT+8): 4:44 p.m. (8/30/2012)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-7): 1:44 a.m. (8/30/2012)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miss Teusink I just got back from the first day of school and it was a blast! I had a great time visiting with all of my friends. By the looks of it, it seems like your having a great time too.

    From : 8K
