Friday, December 21, 2012

Life Lessons at Airports

As yet another vacation begins, I'm always amazed by the little life lessons that seem to rush my way during times when I assume that my mind will be given a break.  In the spirit of ensuring that my newly gleamed knowledge is not wasted on just little old me, I'm going to share a few of the tidbits that I've picked up today…

1 - Packing for your destination is not always the way to go.  I'm sitting in the Chengdu airport, Terminal 1 (the terminal for domestic flights), freezing my fingers off as I wait for the first in my string of flights as I head to Australia for Christmas.  I was only supposed to be in the airport for an hour.  If my flight takes off at it's newly intended time, I will be here for four.  My fingers are turning a lovely shade of blueish-purple and my toes are grateful that I opted for sneakers instead of my customary travel-ware of flip flops.  My roommate did suggest that I take my coat for when I get back in January...

2 - Roommates are always right.  (See tidbit number 1.)

3 - Traveling with a roller bag and an airport full of Turkish Toilets (a.k.a. squatty-potties) is not the best combination.  Apparently women don't travel alone in China…and if they do they don't believe in roller carry-ons. (Note to self: pack lighter)

4 - Learn Chinese.  Although I've always felt semi-sympathetic to travelers in the United States who didn't speak English and just wanted to know something significant about their flight that is apparently delayed but they don't know anything more than that the number they worked hard to memorize was mentioned over the loud speaker, I've never felt as sympathetic as I do today.  I was so proud of myself for realizing that it was my flight that they were talking about, and then so irritated when I couldn't catch anything past those numbers. (The word for 4 has been tough for me…I finally recognize it!  I know, I know…it's been 4 months and I am just now comfortable with the word for 4.  So sue me.)  The gate attendant was less than helpful, at which point I told him to find someone who spoke English (in fairly good Chinese, mind you).   He then told me the same thing he was telling everyone else in Chinese…which was super helpful.  Ugh.  I am so not from around here…

5 - Lighters that are shaped like guns are frowned upon at airports.  My roommate was, once again, right.

6 - Just because you are traveling doesn't mean you should take the tea-bags out of your purse.  I brought my travel mug…just not any hot drink mixes to go with it.  Crystal Light is delicious no matter what temperature it is (thank the Lord for single serving packets), but it is just a little strange to be drinking a peach mango ice tea in hot water.  Just saying…

7 - There are may things that I will do as an American that Chinese people will not typically do.  Sitting on the floor next to the nearest outlet is definitely one of them.

Oiy vai.  Time to take another nap…or watch a Christmas movie…

Location: Somewhere between Chengdu and Guangzhou, China
Local Time (CST -- GMT+8): 3:42 a.m. (12/22/2012)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-8): 11:42 a.m. (12/21/2012)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I shouldn't be getting caught up on your blog when I'm sick, 'cause #5 just sent me into a major coughing fit :-D. Too funny!
