Saturday, June 1, 2013


I guess it's safe to say that I don't really blog anymore.  There were a few reasons that I fell off of that update wagon, but I'm back now so no more need to worry that I've died or disappeared (if you were in fact worried)!

There is only one week left in my first school-year as an international school teacher.  Only one more week with my precious students that have grown to adore so much!  I have been so blessed!

It is so surreal to realize that a year ago I didn't know any of the people that I would be working with this year.  A year ago, there were endless possibilities before me coupled with even more endless unknowns.  All I knew was that I was moving to China.  I had no idea what the city would be like, if there would be blue sky, if I would like the setting, if I would be able to learn Chinese at all, if I would make friends, and so many other minute details.  Fear became very real, but with it was a great pile of excitement for the adventure that I was going on.  An adventure that I chose and could claim as my own.

I'm so thankful for this adventure, and so thankful that you've been willing to encourage me along the way!

Location: Chengdu, China
Local Time (CST -- GMT+8): 2:08 a.m. (6/2/2013)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-7): 11:08 a.m. (6/1/2013)