Monday, November 25, 2013

Teusink's Tuesday Tip of the Day

One of the traditions that I have with my 6th graders (both my homeroom and the other class of marvelous 6th graders that I teach for two subjects) is the Teusink Tuesday Tip of the Day. It's a way to bestow my rediculous amounts of wisdom upon them, one tidbit at a time. In all honesty, it's more about giving them a life-skill as far as socializing with the people around them are concerned. Today's tip was, "Don't be afraid to ask for help."

Middle school is a time in life when things can go terribly wrong. It might be as minor as a hairstyle (I have a student who hasn't taken his baseball cap off for a week because of a hair-cut gone wrong) or as major as issues with parents or other family members, but in the eyes of a 6th grader it all can be the end of the world. Life is hard. Friendship is hard. School is hard. It all can be hard, and we all sometimes need a bit of help. I'm feeling especially burdened today for my students that struggle, my students that have an extra ounce against them in the world. Whether it's because of issues I've been told about or just things that I've been observing, I'm seeing a lot of hurt in the people around me, young and old. Some of them are moving at the end of the semester. Some of them are carrying the burdens of their friends and don't know what to do or where to go for help. I'm so honored and humbled that some of them choose to come to me.

The view this morning wasn't spectacular, but it was beautiful (as it always is). Please join me in remembering those around us that are hurting. Let's offer them an extra ounce of love, maybe a hug, and whatever help we are capable of giving!

Happy Monday!

There are about a thousand things that I love about my job this year. I love my students, the content that I get to teach on a daily basis, and the people that I work with. I love interacting with people from around the world and figuring out the cultural differences that keep us guessing but keep it interesting at the same time. I also love my view. Hold doesn't quite say it. I LOVE my view. LOVE it. Every morning it is different. Every day is unique.

In the interest of blogging more, I thought I'd share my view with you. I probably won't take a picture every day, but I do take a lot of pictures out my window. The great thing is, my students now tell me when it is a picture worth taking. I've trained them well! Each morning, they are in there before the bell rings while the sun is rising. This morning, about 10 of us were leaning on the windowsill enjoying the beauty of the horizon that was being painted before our eyes. What precious moments with some of my favorite pre-teens on the planet.

And so, here are today's photos of my glorious view. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I'm often left speechless by the memories that a single happenstance can bring with it.  In a heartbeat, your transported to a different time and place.  Sometimes that transport brings with it tears, sometimes laughter, maybe fear, maybe's amazing what that heartbeat carries.  At the moment, I'm blissfully remembering a little over 18 months ago going to a movie with friends.  I had seen it already, but liked it enough to go back.  That doesn't happen often.  Now, seeing the sequel, I find myself wishing I could go back and enjoy it again with those friends at that time in that place.  You can't step in the same river twice, though, so here I am.

Where am I at the moment? Well, I'm in the river that is my time in China, enjoy the ripples and the waves, the sunsets and the smog.  It has been a busy fall.  If you usually receive my newsletter, you've likely been wondering if I removed you from my list.  Never fear, you're still on just haven't received anything lately because nothing has been written.  I've started/updated/tweaked the August one a hundred times.  Then it became September...then October...and now November.  This school year has hit me hard and heavy, and I find myself struggling to do what I need to do, let alone the extras that I want to do.

What have I been doing?  Well, I'm teaching full-time at the 6th and 7th grade level, leading a small group for some of the coolest middle school girls in the world, working on my final masters portfolio projects and the 9th of 10 classes that stand between me and being referred to as Master Teusink (that's how it works, isn't it), and making decisions.  Every day is filled with decisions.  What to eat? Where to go? Where to stay? What to wear?  Oh it's a hassle, to be sure.  Thankfully, I've made one of the bigger decisions that has been plauging me, so one less thing to stress about.

Since summarizing the last few months with words would take far too long, here's a quick look at some pictures that might do the trick.

The view from my new classroom is breathtaking some mornings!

There are some mornings where the smog takes over, though.

For Book Character Day this year, I went as a giant cup of coffee.  I couldn't resist :)

I do, after all, drink Starbucks even with the most Chinese of meals!

 It is definitely turning from fall to winter in Chengdu.
Our favorite leaves are beginning to drift to the ground, but they are still beautiful!

As always, feel free to leave a comment to let me know how you are!  If you'd like to email me, leave your email address in the comment and I'll get back to you asap.  Comments are monitored and if you leave personal information I'll delete it, so no stress there!

Location: Chengdu, China
Local Time (CST -- GMT+8): 7:49 p.m. (11/24/2013)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-8): 3:49 a.m. (11/24/2013)