Tuesday, August 13, 2013


There are times when I think bugs are really cool.  I mean let's face it, God made some pretty awesome critters.  Maybe it's because my roommate is a 1st grade teacher, but I have been noticing some crazy awesome bugs lately!  There was the flat green one on the side walk the other day...the cricket-like cockroach in the grocery store parking lot today, and of course the jumping spiders in my classroom.  Oh wait, let's not talk about them.  (Don't worry, the shoe marks on the wall are proof that I killed them all real quick!)

There is one type of bug that I hate.  Well, I probably hate more, but right now I just passionately hate one type of bug.  The only problem is that I have no idea what bug it is.  I'm hoping it's not the dreaded bed bug (insert loud and drawn out *gasp* here), but at the moment that is my only lead.  My legs are getting bitten up BAD, and when I say BAD, and mean REALLY BAD.  Every day there is a new pattern of little red bumps that clearly have some sort of bug as the source.  Don't get me wrong, I love trying to figure out what pattern/picture the bug had in mind when I wake up in the morning, but getting the bites and having bugs living somewhere in my house with me is no beuno.

So what do I do, you might be wondering?  Well, after watching 30+ minutes of YouTube how-to's on getting rid of bed bugs, I took a shower, sprayed myself down with bug-spray, and went to bed.  I'm a teacher and tomorrow is the first day of school...I don't have time to deal with these critters.  I might be able to pencil them in sometime next weekend.  We'll see.

Oh the joys of being me :/


Location: Chengdu, China
Local Time (CST -- GMT+8): 8:14 p.m. (8/13/2013)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-7): 5:14 a.m. (8/13/2013)


  1. hey miss t!!! I miss you like crazy! come home please!! I don't go to vcs anymore! but when you come back be sure to visit me! :) I hope you are doing fantastic and are having fun!! summer has been great and school starts September 4th! a new school brings worries but I'll be fine! love ya! umm I forgot how I was supposed to tell you it was me so I will just say my name....from Nicole

  2. Yikes! I hope that solved the bug issue! :-/

  3. Nicole, I miss you (and all of my incredible 5th graders from back in the day) too! I'll be home next summer and would LOVE to get to see you while I am there! Shoot me an email and we'll be able to stay in touch better! Hope your new school is going well!

  4. HI Miss T! I go to Rainier Middle School now.
