Saturday, March 21, 2015

Silence is Golden?

The quiet game was a pretty normal thing in our family when I was growing up.  And when I say that, I mean people tried to make me play it.  Tried is the key word.  It never really worked, because I always lost in about 2.3 seconds.

I feel like this blog often becomes a bit of a quiet game for me, seeing how long I can go before I feel an irresistible urge to share everything that is on my mind in one foul fell swoop.  (Speaking of foul fell swoop - I've never written that before.  Is it fowl swoop or foul swoop.  Goodness homonyms mess everything up!  Oh wait, they are both wrong.  One fell swoop.  Thank you Google!)

It's been a fairly wonderful winter/spring.  Busy and crazy at times, but there isn't much that I can complain about.  I have a student teacher right now, and she is amazing and helpful and marvelously competent, so I'm getting a lot of things done that I generally don't have time for.  Grades? Complete.  Comments? Started.  Committee details for our upcoming accreditation visit? Planned.  Can I please please please have a permanent student teacher?  I would be so much more efficient and well rested! :)

In other news, I'm feeling restless.  I didn't realize why until a friend was in town (well, he's more of a cultural counselor, but now that I've known him for a few years I'd call him a friend) and pointed out that in a few months Chengdu will be the longest place I've lived by choice. (You should all check out his blog.  It's great. it!) Isn't that odd?  The African TCK has chosen to call China home.  And because of that little newsflash, my brain goes into overdrive and I start scoping out what I could be doing and where I could be living.  I so desperately wish that wasn't my instinct, but it's so deeply engrained in the very fiber of who I am that it's impossible to ignore and oh so hard to fight.  Thankfully my contract is for one more year so I have time to either fight the urge or start listing out the possible destinations. :)

Okay, enough randomness for one day.  Well, almost enough.  Here are a few bits and pieces I found while browsing Pinterest today that I feel the world needs to see :)

Location: Chengdu, China
Local Time (CST -- GMT+8): 7:33 a.m. (3/22/2015)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-7): 4:33 p.m. (3/21/2015)

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