Sunday, May 13, 2012

Life - The Art of Getting Comfortable with being Uncomfortable

Things I've done in the last 48 hours that I'll miss:
 - Sat in the foyer of one of my favorite buildings watching the world go by.
 - Enjoyed the sunshine reading a book in a beautiful green Pacific Northwest backyard.
 - Had the barista at Starbucks know my name and my coffee order.
 - Walked around Warm Beach Camp and enjoyed the quiet stillness of Creation.
 - Two words: DQ Blizzard.
 - Young Life club at Olympic.  Those kids have my heart.

There are so many more that I can't possibly list them all.  But that's what life is all about, isn't it?  Being comfortable where we are, and then realizing that things will never be the same again.  And that's okay.  Life should change.  We should grow.  Places should come.  Time should keep moving.  Freezing it all would be perfect, but how on earth would we decide where it should be frozen?  There are dozens of moments that I wish could have lasted forever, but if they had, how many more would I have missed?

And so I've come to accept that I shall always be a bit uncomfortable, perhaps in a good way and perhaps in a not-so-pleasant way, but hey, I'm comfortable with that.
Location: Auburn, WA

Local Time (PST -- GMT-7): 8:57 a.m. (5/13/2012)
Chengdu Time (CST -- GMT+8): 11:57 p.m. (5/13/2012)

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