Saturday, November 10, 2012

On the BBC, Brains, and Opera

It was a truly wonderful Saturday, filled with relaxation, good food, and great entertainment.  Our apartment on the 15th floor has gotten chillier in the last few weeks, so my roommate and I made the most of our coldness and watched TV for a good part of the day today.  It wasn't just any TV though, it was a BBC miniseries.  Sooooo good.  We had to put a pause in our viewing, though, to head out with a group from school for hot pot and Sichuan Opera.  I've had hot pot before, so that wasn't entirely a new experience (although I ate pig's throat tonight, which was a definitely first), but the opera was definitely new and exciting.  It wasn't so much an opera (or at least what I picture when I hear the word opera) as a variety show, but it was very well done and entertaining.

Those bits and pieces alone would have made for a great day, but it was topped off by a marvelous conversation with some of the ladies from a small group that I was a part of back in Washington.  Hearing them laugh and seeing them all together was such an incredible blessing.  I am so thankful for a family that spreads all the way around the world!

Location: Chengdu, China
Local Time (CST -- GMT+8): 1:39 a.m. (11/11/2012)
Auburn Time (PST -- GMT-7): 9:39 a.m. (11/10/2012)

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