Thursday, February 7, 2013

A few questions rolling through my head...

My mind is so often filled with questions. Sometimes I ask them, and sometimes I don't, but eihter way they are still there. So, in the spirit of trying to blog more, I'm going to write some of them here and just throw them out into the void. Answer if you'd like to, but feel free to just ponder away like I have been and will continue to about them...

Why is it that I use my backpack more now than I ever did as a student? I don't know where I'd be without it! Weird.

Why do traditional definitons only allow the use of the term "best friend" in reference to one person? My life would be so strange if I only had one!

When is the point where you stop adapting and start changing the world around you rather than changing yourself? Not necessarily in merely a spiritual sense, but in a physical and transformational sense, as well.

How can people commit so easily to a place? The thought of staying somewhere longer than a few years is so against everything I know. It is such a nice thought, but in reality it is so difficult after such a transient life.

Why does it get cold again just when I thought things were warming up?

Why do we have middle names in some cultures? How did that start??

Okay, enough of that...

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