Thursday, September 8, 2016

Always an Adventure

How is it that every time I blog it seems as though two (or three....:/) months has passed?  While there may be dull moments in this crazy adventure of a life that I live, they never seem to last long enough for me to get them written down.  I have a few minutes this morning (which is in itself a bit of a doozy of a story), so I thought it might be time to catch the world up on what has been happening since June when I last got on here and spilled.

The summer was spent in North America and it was wonderful.  There is something so beautiful about getting on a plane and going to a totally different part of the world, stepping back into a different life of mine.  Seeing friends and family, catching up on the last few years, and being able to share my heart and carry burdens for dear friends makes for precious times.  I won't go into detail on every twist and turn of my summer wanderings, but they were full (never more than a week at a time in one place) and memorable.  The highlights were wedding reunions, precious moments with both of my grandmothers, walking my cousin's daughters to the bus stop as they finished up Kindergarten, giggling with almost all of my cousins' daughters at some point in the summer, crying with friends (over the good and the not so good), and savoring moments over meals with people that I love and wish I could see on a more regular basis.  Loving people and places on multiple continents is oh so hard when you have to leave one to return to the other.

But return I did.  Coming back to Chengdu this time around was good and stressful, but oh so worth it.  My brother came for a week or so and was incredibly patient with me as I worked more than I should have to prepare for this new school year and job.  I wish I could have (or would have) dropped everything and done more with him while he was here, but I'm still so glad that he came and did life with for a bit.

Then school started.  Goodness gracious is it different to be out of the classroom and to have my main place in the building be behind a desk.  I'm learning to love what I do again, but it certainly is a different angle to approach it all from.  I'm sure that I'll have more stories at tales at some point, but for now I'll just say that I am content and learning a whole lot along the way.

This last week has been an adventure in itself as I've been able to pop over to another city in this fine country where I live and lend a helping hand to some friends.  Again, details will remain sparse here, but having the ability to drop everything and go is such an odd and marvelous position to be in.  Being the hands and feet, whenever and wherever possible, is such a beautiful part of being part of something so much bigger than ourselves.

And now, as I gear up to head home, I can't help but wonder what adventure is laying in wait around the next bend.  Oh boy...should be a good one...

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