Thursday, June 7, 2012

The CRAZY In-betweens!

It seems that the trickiest time in any transition is that in between time, where you know things are changing, but they haven't quite changed yet.  You know it's coming, you're prepared for it, your mind and heart have already started to transition, and yet you haven't actually moved yet.  The changes have started emotionally and mentally, but not quite physically.
That's the stage I'm at now.  I've been grieving the loss of a life here, and will again at some point, I'm sure.  However, at this point I haven't actually lost anything yet.  I still have all of my bits and pieces around me, my local places where I am known and recognized and run into friends, and my job and routine to rely on.  I can feel that wind changing though as I anticipate the last week of school, the last moments to pack things up, and then the departure.  But wait, that departure won't be the final one.  Oh the change that comes in whiffs and then disappears again.
The thing is, that change will come and stay, or rather I will go to it and stay.  And then it'll be a whole new something.  Wow.  I know it seems a simple thing to be in awe of, but my life is going to be radically different in two months than it is today.  I can't even begin to imagine it, and when I do I'm honestly overwhelmed.  Excited, but completely and totally overwhelmed.  He knows what He's doing with here I am, ready for whatever the ride might bring.  

Location: Auburn, WA
Local Time (PST -- GMT-7): 4:00 p.m. (6/7/2012)
Chengdu Time (CST -- GMT+8): 7:00 a.m. (6/8/2012)

1 comment:

  1. You are a great example to your class at the two in one. Trust The Boss! #17V over and out.
