Monday, November 4, 2019

Things Remembered - Day 3 - My History with Pets

I’ve always liked the idea of pets, but I think it’s time to admit that Bekah Teusink on her own should not be a pet mom. 

Growing up, my family always seemed to have a pet of some sorts. In Rwanda, we had dogs and chameleons and rabbits, oh my. So many memories from those first few years revolve around trading hot wheels cars for reptiles or naming yet another little of bunnies. (Is it litter of bunnies or is there some other fancy name I’m supposed to put here? Please advice, those that are wiser than I!)

In other exciting news, all of the bunny babies were always named Bekah. Little did I know they all eventually turned into dinner. Some day I’ll probably need to hash all that out with my therapist! (They renamed each bunny ‘Chester’ before they became dinner...Hoosiers, anyone?)

When we lived in the US between countries, our miniature schnauzer, Winston, was my dearest friend and confidant. Thank goodness he couldn’t talk...the secrets he could tell!  In Ethiopia, dogs were a part of our norm as well, but they were outside dogs, so it was different. I still loved time laying on the lawn with them and watching them grow. 

When I went to boarding school, my roommate and I decided that fish would be a good idea. Heath, Orlando, Zeus, and Cupcake became our scaled friends. We loved them well and even managed to transport them between countries in water bottles during our long vacations. I don’t know how they survived. One break, Cupcake committed suicide. The bowl was too full and he always was an adventurous little thing. The day after we gave the other 3 away to a 9th grader, a few weeks before graduation, they were eaten by a cat that came in an open window. Oops!

In college, I had two goldfish: Manuel and the Dread Pirate Roberts. Manuel ended up eating the Dread Pirate Roberts and then lived for 6 more years. He was an impressive little thing!

About a month ago, I decided to get fish again. They cost about $1 and, after much consideration, were named Joe and Kathleen. They were beautiful. 

Joe died a week ago while I was in another city for a soccer tournament. Kathleen died Sunday while I was at a conference. 

Anyone want to buy a fish tank?

I’m not going to be a pet owner again anytime soon...

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