Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Another Overcast Day in Seattle? Quelle surprise!

It's been an overcast week here in Seattle, and while that would generally irritate me during my beloved summer break, at the moment I'm finding it quite comforting.  Instead of longing to be outside in the sunshine, I'm able to buckle down and get to work sorting through the last of my junk and starting to pack up what will head over the sea with me.  However, I still find ways to get distracted and do absolutely nothing of significance as far as packing browsing Facebook and blogging, for example :)

On an entirely unrelated note, my dad arrived yesterday and is spending the next few weeks with me here in the Northwest before I head out.  It is so good having him here.  Strange of course, since a majority of my life for the past 9 years has been spent living in a different country (and usually a different continent) than my parents, but still he will always be my daddy and I will always be his little girl.  He's here for a number of reasons, but it is so nice knowing that he was able to come around the world to send me off to another corner of the world.  Oh the joys of being a completely international family!

Okay, must get offline (er...out of my backyard where I can pick up my neighbor's internet) and get to packing.  Hope you are well, wherever you are!

Location: Auburn, WA
Local Time (PST -- GMT-7): 10:58 a.m. (7/18/2012)
Chengdu Time (CST -- GMT+8): 1:58 a.m. (7/19/2012)

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